Thursday, March 28, 2013


So over the past few days there has been some activity. 

A couple of the Little Elf popped their heads up about 3 days ago (and possibly a Butch T. I can't remember where the cut-off between the two strains was :P )

Then yesterday my heated propagator started showing signs of life. So far the Peter Pepper's (or Chilli Willy) and Trinidad Scorpions are coming through. The only thing not showing yet in this one is the Moruga Scorpions. I was expecting these to take a bit longer though.

The Super Hots!

My Jalapeno's and Cayenne's have had to be brought indoors along with the ones above as the temperature has taken a turn for the worse and the greenhouse is just too cold at the moment. They'll all head back in once they have sprouted though.

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